Perfect Password

for ios

Perfect Password

Tired of terrible passwords? You need a perfect password.

Finally, a password that is:

  1. Easier to remember (includes actual words rather than straight up random letters and symbols)
  2. Easy to type (alternate each typing finger to type your password faster)
  3. But still secure (meet the password requirements of almost all websites)

Perfect Password has you covered.

In addition, go further with more advanced features:

  • Build your own custom combination of password elements to create your own perfect password.
  • Want to only type passwords with your left hand or right hand? You got it!
  • Exclude problematic characters from your password.
  • Review recently generated passwords in case you forgot to save it somewhere safe.
  • Generate custom passwords on your Apple Watch

Download today on the Apple App Store for iOS and WatchOS devices

Screenshot of Perfect Password

  • App Icon modified from icon by Anggara Putra on Noun Project, CC BY 3.0

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